One Drive Continues Uploading Photos From Camera Roll

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Hi SebBCL,

Thank you for posting your concern here in the Microsoft Community Forum.

We got your concern with your OneDrive "Cameral Roll" folder wherein it takes time to sync or upload pictures from your phone onto it. Please allow us to check on this, and we'll assist you in the best way we can.

This might be either an issue with OneDrive or the computer itself. For us to know more about the situation and isolate it at the same time, we would like to know if you have tried the following method:

Method 1: Have you tried resetting the OneDrive application via following the steps in this article: Reset OneDrive? Doing so should help us in determining if this is an application-related issue.

Method 2: If the issue persists, do a full reinstall of OneDrive.

Lastly, if the problem still occurring, let's check if the issue is related to Windows by temporarily disabling the antivirus program and observe if it would be the same issue. Or else, create a new local user profile on the computer and try to perform the sync again for your OneDrive.

We'd love to hear any results from you soon and provide you other recommendations if needed. We look forward to your response.

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Thank you for your answer and the two methods.

I have not tried to reset OneDrive yet as I have read the following:

"Resetting Microsoft OneDrive can sometimes resolve sync issues and resets all OneDrive settings. OneDrive will perform a full sync after the reset."

--> Could you specify what happens hereby? I really don't want to download 1.1 TB!

In my OneDrive settings I've checked to keep all files and folders synced to my PC.

by the way... my OneDrive app shows this for around one hour now whilist havinv some load on my cpu:

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We appreciate you giving us an update on this matter.

Once you have reset your OneDrive, there should be no data loss but rather, the PC would re-establish full sync with OneDrive.

This does not mean that everything would be re-downloaded onto your PC but would only be doing full sync of the files from OneDrive to the PC.

The issue may indeed be with the OneDrive application since it is consuming CPU usage as per the screenshot you have provided.

Therefore, we encourage you to perform the reset to make that the synchronization of the PC to OneDrive is optimized and to troubleshoot the issue with the said application as well.

We'll be looking forward to your response and we are always here if further assistance is needed.

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Today I had a larger Windows update to V19042.867... my problem seems to be gone now...

I'll keep watching it for a couple of days to be fully sure that it's not just temporarily :)

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Thank you for the update. We are glad that the issue with your OneDrive is now resolved after installing the Windows Update.

We agree to continue observing this matter and post back if the issue reappears.

We are always here if you need our help.

Stay healthy and have a great day! ❤️

Best regards,


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I've been seeing a similar issue for quite some time, in that when I open my Camera Roll folder, it will take 20 to 50 seconds before photos dated after 1/7/21 appear.  This is regardless of whether there are new photos available since I last opened the folder.  Every so often that newest photo will change and become more recent, but I have no idea what triggers that behavior.   As I have my Onedrive synced on 2 computers, both Windows 10 Pro, I see the same behavior on both.  Thanks for any help you can offer.

John Swanson

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same issue here, I've had this forever. is your camera roll in the rot of OneDrive? I moved mine and I'm always worried thats why.

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My Camera Roll folder is 3 levels below the root, or One Drive folder.  If I open the folder right now, the most recent photo immediately available is dated 1/7/21.  It will take some time before photos I've taken today, or yesterday, etc. to appear.  It could be as quickly as a minute, or sometimes several minutes.  Every once in a while, that immediately available photo will change to something more recent, but I have never figured out how or why that happens - I'd cause it if I could.

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And here we go again

... Think I have to try to reset OneDrive soon ...

I'm really scared of resetting as I have 1 TB of data already uploaded. I really don't want to reupload anything !

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Did a reset...

6 hours later, all the 260.000 changes have been processed.

First of all, one very interesting finding.

If you leave the OneDrive status window open, the process seems to be running in higher priority and utilizes around 50MB/s of my drive reading speed. When I close the status window, the reading speed drops reproducibly down to around 40MB/s.

Now I'm stuck with this status for around one hour again...

OneDrive is utilizing my CPU, RAM an HDD..

I don't know nor believe it will finish.

I also tried to update to the latest insider build:

I'll keep it running for some time. But I think after a reboot everything starts again.

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